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In 2024 we learned that human rights tend to remain invisible until they are crushed – and we are here to speak up about it because they are being trampled over. The government carried on lying, inciting, and deceiving en route to turning Israel into an ugly replica of Hungary and Russia. It condemned hostages to death, pursued destruction, devastation, and starvation in Gaza, revived the regime revolution in order to crush the judicial system, undermined the free media, expanded construction in the settlements, and deepened discrimination and racism against Israel’s Arab citizens.
As a result, the most basic human rights violations amassed into a horrible mix of fear and hardship, causing many to keep their heads down, perhaps in the hope that this dark wave will pass. However, waves like these don’t pass on their own. This situation demands that we look it straight in the eye, or else we will be doomed to endless loops of despair and dread.
Israel has never had a government so detached from the public, a government that is leading us toward dictatorship. We ask you to support our activities so we can continue to stand tall, dispel the darkness, and combat the looming danger. We can win this fight. It will take creativity, initiative, and patience, and we have them all in abundance.
Led by our executive director Einat Ovadia and our outstanding team, Zulat has been working hard to fight initiatives and laws seeking to harm Israeli democracy. I invite you to support our efforts. Your donation would be a declaration of hope and commitment to equality and human rights.
Zehava Galon