>> For the full data of the July 2022 survey – click here
>> اقرؤوا مسح تموز 2022 | For Arabic click here
The third survey was conducted with the collaboration of Reichman University’s Institute for Liberty and Responsibility.
The survey dealt with the issue of encounters between Jewish and Arab students in Israel as means of promoting dialogue in the education system. The participants were asked whether the latter should take steps to increase or decrease the frequency of encounters between Jewish and Arab students as part of the school curriculum.
The findings point to a significant gap between the aforementioned desire of Arabs and Jews, as well as to differences concerning the political views of the respondents. At the same time, they also show that there is widespread support for increasing the frequency of such meetings among both leftists and centrists.
Any move to eradicate institutionalized discrimination against the Palestinian citizens of Israel must be reflected not only in a legitimate demand for equal budgets, but also in an active effort to respect and recognize the history and memory of a minority. Accordingly, the long-standing policy of separation requires an active initiative for unmediated encounters between Jewish and Arab students, in order to help them overcome negative barriers and stereotypes and become familiar with different narratives. Such a joint dialogue is essential for creating a universe of egalitarian concepts, beyond building contacts between students.